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Saranac Lake Fishing Adventure (part 2)
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November 6 & 7

 Maiden Voyage - Truckin' Off Across the Sky

So after our annual fall trip, a once over of the Grumman before putting her away for the winter yielded a rotten transom diagnosis. Jon knew that it was getting rough but closer inspection revealed that it was in dire need of replacement. So, do we wait until early spring and hope that it can be completed before our Canada trip or do it before winter? I think you know the answer and before you know it, she was in front of the garage getting torn down to the frame.

Not too many people would take on such a project, but .... well you know.

Of course if you are going to replace the entire transom, you also need to paint the boat, right? And while you are at it, you'll need some cool graphics.

And finally, the decision was made that it was time she got a name. Only those in the know can relate but it is the perfect name for this boat.

Jon worked on it every chance he got, and not only did it look like it would be finished before the winter, but talk of her maiden voyage before winter became a real plan.

  Ready to go fishing.

 Low and behold, on the evening (yes evening) of November 5th, we were towing her up to Middle Saranac Lake in the dark.

After performing a proper ceremonial christening at the boat launch, we boarded "Truckin' Off Across the Sky" and headed out into the pitch black darkness that is the Saranac lakes in November at roughly midnight. To say that voyage was a little hairy would be an understatement, but it was a very cool experience at the same time. To start off, the state pulls the docks on Nov 1st, luckily the recent massive amounts of rain the whole state received brought the water level as high as we have ever seen it and made it possible to launch without the docks. Not easy, but possible. We ventured on our way following the navigation buoys along the river and Lower Saranac Lake. While the moon shone we could at least see water and landscapes in front and around us, but when the moon eventually went behind the storm clouds, we might as well have been blind.

We were thankful for the bread crumbs left on the Depth Finder / GPS from our fall trip, and we followed them blindly across the dark, cold, foggy lake and eventually made our way to Middle Saranac and our camp on Hungry Bay.

Safely on land, now to setup camp (timestamp 1:29 am)

We finally got camp setup and settled in by about 2:30 am if I recall correctly, and I was glad Jon brought the heater for the tent, because it was cold. The next morning we woke up to more cold, but pretty fair weather considering. The night before we docked in the dark where we thought we should have but quickly realized we were well into the bay and a good distance from the camp, however the tie up spot was actually quite calm and nice for the boat.

 She looks nice and comfortable with her new paint as well.

Oh, by the way, Ash came along on this adventure, she was probably second guessing that choice when she came outside of the warm tent in the morning.

 I do like this spot, the lean-to just makes it easy to store our gear out of the elements. The wind was whipping off the lake pretty good that morning, so we decided to move the picnic table and do our morning cooking in a more sheltered spot out of the wind. It was quite nice.

 Of course, we did come here to fish as well so we ventured out to see what would bite when the water temp was in the low 50’s. Just offshore from camp, I managed to get a real nice smallie and largemouth bass right off the bat. Hmmm, maybe they do bite in November?

 While it was cold and the NW wind had a bite, the sun did shine and the lake was very peaceful, and of course the surrounding view was awe inspiring as always.

 As you can see, winter had already arrived in the high peaks as a good 600 feet or more of Whiteface was covered for the year already.

 We fished for a while in the morning, then took a mid day break back at camp.

  Sorry Ash, it's not bed time yet.

 Jon's coat will have to do for now.

Later that day we headed to the creek mouth to see if we could catch a few more where Jon landed a nice Pike.

 I managed another bass on a new lure. Well actually a lure that's been in my box forever, just never used it up here before. It's on the list now.

 Eventually we headed back to camp to enjoy the sunset, get a good fire going and heat up some homemade soup. The only full day had come and gone rather quickly. The forecast was for an even colder night and snow by morning, so once again the lean-to and the heater in the tent were welcome.

  Jon’s jacket was once again welcomed by Ash as well.

We did indeed woke up to a cold and snowy morning, but at least it hadn't started snowing too heavily yet so we were able to pack up in relative dryness. At this point I think Ash is ready to leave this place.

I'm guessing the Loons were not too far behind.

Short MP4 Video

The ride back was very peaceful, it was snowing the entire way and It made this place seem somehow even more wild. The banner photo for this page was taken on the river just before we hit Lower Saranac.

At the locks for the last time in 2019 for sure, see ya next year.

Click any of the links below to see the original decade of Saranac adventures
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

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