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Saranac Lake Fishing Adventure (part 2)
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May 18-21, 2023

Once again the annual spring trip was planned for Middle Saranac Lake and once again Jon's boys would be joining us, however this time they would be arriving in Jacob's boat.


Going through the upper locks like we have so many times before on the way to our temporary reality escape destination. As we navigate the channel (Saranac River) on our way to Middle, we can usually determine what the water level is going to be, looks like we'll have plenty of water to fish in this year. If there is water between the red marker buoy and the weeds, it's usually a good sign.


We setup shop at our usual out of the way spot off of Weller Pond.

Jacob opted for his solo sleeping arrangements nearby as usually

So it looks like we eventually headed out onto the lake in the afternoon to see if the fish would cooperate. Like most years, whether spring or fall, day 1 is usually about getting camp setup and just relaxing and letting the worries of the world melt away, at least for a few days.

Looks like the Captain and first mate are on the board.

Also looks like a beautiful spring day in the north woods.



YIKES! Now that is what I call a bedhead. Good morning sunshine (timestamp 9:59 am)

We eventually all climbed aboard the Grumman and headed out onto the lake. Jacob is on the board with a feisty perch.

Isla does not look interested, she wants to see some Pike!

Never gets old Looking at Ampersand Mountain from this lake that is.

As we often do, we took a little break from fishing to hang out on the beach at the eastern end of the lake. Pups do need to go potty after all. So does Isla.

The lowering sun always provides a magnificent view and effect

That is one sleepy puppy! Time to head back to camp and cook some supper


Woke up to a cloudy day, it could be good for fishing though.

First some coffee and breakfast. "I'm sorry, I already threw the stick like a hundred times Isla"

That's what we are looking for Why these perch try to eat these pike lures is a mystery

So as has been the tradition for a few years now, we headed to an undisclosed location on the lake that has been very productive in the spring. It is virtually unfishable in the fall because of the weeds but has since become our favorite spring location. Jacob had the hot hand initially and landed a few good ones.


The fishing continued to be really good on this afternoon, Isla was very excited and apparently hungry, how does that taste?

1st mate with a couple more, looks like maybe we have a double? Nope, Wyatt is snagged.

Everybody got in on the action, here's the captain with a pair of pike.


  Jacob lands a nice perch and a nice largemouth bass

 Wyatt with a nice pike and a real nice smallmouth bass

Jake lands one more nice one for good measure

I think we should probably leave them biting for another day. Hey, can I have some of those chips?

Another great end to a great day in the north country

I am sure we cooked up something good to eat on our last evening in camp. We always enjoy a good fire and the sounds and smells of the Adirondacks. There is also nothing like the haunting call of the Loons to lull you into dreamland while you drift off to sleep.


Eventually we do need to pack up and head home. This was a great trip as usual, but the fishing was exceptional. I left out a good many "fish" pictures.


See you in the fall, God willing

Click any of the links below to see the original decade of Saranac adventures
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

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