Street & Nye
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Street & Nye, September 2007

This hike started with a nice view of Venus in the sky as we drove before light to get an early start. The weather forecast was as good as you can hope for with sunny skies, low humidity and a high temperature of 67. We were on trail by 8am and there was a chill in the air, just the way I like it. Brendan joined me once again as we have done every year just before school starts again. This year it would be a day trip however. The trip reports for the trail were also very encouraging. The late summer has been dry so the creek crossings on the un-maintained herd paths proved no problem. Any blow down that occurred over the winter had been taken care of for the most part (thanks 46ers) and the trail was easy to follow.
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Cross here!    This cairn made it very easy to determine where to cross the creek
Another cairn    Another one on the other side left no doubt where to pick up the trail again
Break time    Brendan takes a short break at the creek, you can see just how dry it was
After crossing the creek, the hike begins to climb toward the junction for Street and Nye Mountains. It crosses a small tributary a few times and steadily climbs at a fairly easy grade. After crossing a "log" bridge we were surprised to find the creek much deeper and still. Apparently some beavers have been hard at work in the last few years. It was hard to tell if the site was still active, there wasn't any fresh sign so I don't think so.
Dam !    The back woods engineers handy work.
Cool    This was a unique site, the tree that the beavers had hewn down was growing from the top again.
The trail climbs some more and eventually leaves the tributary and comes to a clearing where the junction for the two peaks is located. It is very easy to find and very obvious as to which way to go. I don't advocate carving into trees but the sign on this tree in the middle of the clearing was helpful.
Street sign    Not north and south, Nye and Street
Another break?    You can see just how big the clearing is, there's even a good sized cairn
From the junction, the summit of Nye is a short climb, the top is wooded so there's no real views to speak of. If you walk south a bit there is a small outcropping that allows a view over to your next destination, Street.
2007streetnye6.jpg (168072 bytes)    Nye Mountain, I guess.
On to Street after a short stop on Nye. The trail is considerably longer to Street, but still not very far from the junction. There was a bit more blow down to contend with but all very manageable. There were also a few different herd paths as we ascended but they all lead to the same place eventually.
Low bridge    This old log crossed the path at just the right height to make it interesting to go over or under.
Well, we made the summit of Street with little difficulty and plenty of time to spare. After finding the true "top" so we could officially record it in the books, we went to the south end of the peak and found a nice opening with great views of Algonquin and beyond. If you continue down the trail from there, you'll find a rock outcropping that makes for a nice place to sit and offers a little better view also.
#23 - half way there    We almost missed this sign initially, I had to climb the tree to reach it.
Nice    Nice
Another great day in the "dacks, two more peaks added to my 46er list, and some quality time spent with my son, aka The Mountain Goat

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