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4 High Peaks Loop, May 2002
Gothics, Armstrong, Upper & Lower Wolf Jaws

Gothics revisited May 2007

As part of my quest for the 46, I was looking for a few day trips to high peaks when Dan came across a 4 peak loop on the map that looked do-able in a day. We hit Pyramid Peak, Gothics, Armstrong, Upper Wolf Jaw and Lower Wolf Jaw in that order. While Pyramid peak is above 4k, it is too close in proximity to Gothics to be considered a "high peak" in it's own right. However, the view from Pyramid Peak is breathtaking! You can't see what's coming until you crest the top, then it just opens up. Our original loop was supposed to be 9-10 miles, we were not aware that the Ausable Club access road was foot travel only for non-club members. I guess we should have looked at the map a little closer. This added 5-6 miles on to our day! We finished the loop in about 12 hours. Approx. 16 miles. Worth all the pain!
Rainbow Falls  A nice shot of Rainbow Falls in the morning on our way up to Pyramid.
    Here's the awesome view from Pyramid!
Rugged!    The view from Gothics, what a day and what a place!
    Here's a great shot of Dan on Gothics doing some video-taping.
Armstrong    The view from Armstrong, with the rest of the Great Range in view.
Giant    A nice shot through the trees of Giant Mountain from the east side of one of our peaks.

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